Alexa, Donate To Toys For Tots.
Product launch | Online Video
Amazon asked us to launch their new partnership with Toys For Tots. This year, Amazon Alexa owners around the country would be able to donate directly to the Toys For Tots charity simply by telling their Amazon device, “Alexa, donate to Toys For Tots.”
Creatively, we wanted to embrace the customer insight that to Alexa owners everywhere, the device was playing a growing role in their holiday experience and traditions. In fact, we learned that asking Alexa to play holiday music was one of first steps for many in bringing the holiday spirt to their home. It was a way they kicked off the holiday season. Our concept was centered around that precise moment before you asked Alexa to play holiday music for the first time that season. We asked Alexa owners to consider bringing joy to the homes of children in need first. Ideally, starting a new charitable tradition for families everywhere.
“It’s a great idea.”
“It’s really one of the simplest ways to give back, and not one that’s ever been tried before.