A Mobile Symphony.
TV | Online Video | Outdoor
intuitive harmony
There are times when interacting with a well-designed user touch interface feels almost like you’re playing a musical instrument. The swipes of your finger and the responsiveness of the experience feels precise, intuitive, and beautiful. To promote the newly designed suite of mobile products on Yahoo!, we created a mobile symphony to showcase that feeling and experience.
Using cinematic techniques typically reserved for live performances, we shot a group of 30 orchestra performers essentially “playing” the musical notes of the music with their phone screens. We achieved this by building a custom app to sync to the music onto each device, which showed visual prompts to the performer so that their swipes were in unison with the notes. As the performance played out, we transitioned from the blue light of a single screen to the warm collective glow of the group’s crescendo.
OOH transit in San Francisco.
This was a cool idea that just didn’t fit the visual narrative of the final edit. We shot a setup with the camera POV through a phone screen as the talent was swiping and scrolling.